Factors Controlling Coral Skeletal U/Ca Ratios with Implications for their Use as a Proxy for Past Ocean Conditions
Group Members: Spencer Eanes, Emily Patterson, Penelope Lancrete
Advisors: Anne Gothmann, Paul Roback
Summary: Year long research project through St. Olaf’s Center for Interdisciplinary Research. This project is a statistical analysis of fossilized coral and it’s implications as a proxy for past ocean conditions. An early version of this paper won 1st Prize in the US Undegraduate Statistics Research Project competition. The paper is in review for publication with the American Journal of Undergraduate Research.

Beyond Multiple Linear Regression Textbook
Helped modify and maintain code for bookdown textbook, and develop an answer key.

UFC Fighter PCA and Clustering Analysis
Final Project for Algorithms for Decision Making (Intro to Machine Learning)
Summary: Scraped data on ~3000 fighters from UfcStats.com, performed principal component analysis, and then compared k-means and hierarchical clustering.
Submission: UFC_Analysis

Polygon Visibility Algorithm
Final Project for Computational Geometry
Teacher: Prof. Matthew Wright
Summary: Implemented a O(n^2 logn) time algorithm for computing all visibility edges between vertices of polygons in a plane.
Submission: Code available on my github. Here’s a fun RShiny demo. Summary mathematical paper available here.

NCES Cyberbullying DataPoint
Supervisor: Rachel Hansen
Summary: Created a DataPoint with summary statistics regarding cyberbullying based on the School Survey on Crime and Safety.
Publication: Cyberbullying DataPoint

USCLAP Fall 2017
Group Members: Spencer Eanes, Penelope Lancrete, Emma Daggett
Advisor: Prof. Paul Roback
Summary: Won the introductory statistics category submission with paper, “Risk Factors for Teen Alcohol Use.”
Submission: Risk Factors for Teen Alcohol Use
Results: First prize winner.

CoMAP ICM 2018 - Control Group 87361
Group Members: Spencer Eanes, Kris Rye, Shane Kosieradzki
Advisor: Prof. Bob Eisinger
Summary: Developed a mathematical model to determine the optimal placement of electric vehicle charging stations, and proposed a plan to convert an entire nation from gas to electric vehicles.
Submission: CoMAP.pdf
Results - Honorable Mention

2D-Quickhull Mathematica Implementation
Group Members: Spencer Eanes, Taran Besant
Final Project for Modern Computational Mathematics
Teacher: Prof. Matthew Wright
Summary: Implemented the Quickhull algorithm, an algorithm to compute the points that determine the convex hull in a plane. Mathematica notebook available upon request.
Submission: Quickhull.nb

Procedural Terrain Generation
Group Members: Spencer Eanes, Taran Besant
Midterm Project for Modern Computational Math
Teacher: Prof. Matthew Wright
Summary: Implemented two methods for 2D noisy terrain generation in Mathematica.
Submission: Terrain.nb

StoBooks Mobile Application
Group Members: Spencer Eanes, Brodie Thiede, Jacob Cabbage
Final Project for Mobile Computing Apps Class
Summary: Created a mobile application through react native, javascript, and node.js to allow students to sell and purchase books. App was served by a Java server connected to a PostGreSQL backend.
Working version no longer available. Code available upon request.